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Is the-good-attic for you?

Who is the good attic for?

the good attic is for you if you are enthusiastic about handicrafts, artisanship, and in general art. At the good attic, we celebrate Indian art and craftmanship. Your every association with us encourages us to do more for the Indian artisans. After all, these are the people who are keeping our traditions and culture alive in some way. So, the feeling we experience by genuinely being good and doing good unto them is indescribable.

the good attic is for you if you care about the environment. Today, we are blessed to have a choice in everything we pursue and purchase – either it is made in a sustainable eco-friendly way, or it isn’t. Sure, some choices come at a price. But the satisfaction we get in making such conscious choices is immense and intense.

the good attic is for you if you want to make the most by living a fulfilling life. Just think about it. We get busy in our day-to-day routine, and somewhere along the way, forget living life. A life can be made fulfilling in many ways including enjoying every moment, sharing our pleasures with family and friends, and giving to others. Sure, you don’t need a ‘the good attic’ for that. But an association with the good attic will remind you to enjoy the beauty of slow living, experimenting new things, appreciating little pleasures, and being yourself.

I am not into any art, is the-good-attic for me?

You do not need to be passionate about art to use art. It is just like we do not need to understand electricity to use electricity. If you aren’t interested in art, it is perfectly alright. Perhaps someone in your family or friend circle is, and the-good-attic gifting could be a way to show your appreciation for them, to show that you care about them and their passion. They will genuinely appreciate you for that. And if that person happens to be your spouse, well… the good attic may just help you understand them better (Ok, now we are going a bit overboard). But you get the drift.

Who is the good attic NOT for?

There are some people who like to live a hectic, rushed, or a flamboyant life and are not looking to slow down. There are others who are comfortable following the traditional way of life with the things they have been used to doing for 10, 20, 30 years and are not looking for experimentation. And that is perfectly alright too.

If your needs are being met in your current lives, and you are comfortable and happy with your current path, then perhaps the good attic is optional for you. After all, the objective is to make our lives happy and fulfilling.😊

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